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Rev. Peter Herron, Pastor


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Communion - November

November 4, 2012
Matthew 26:26-30
Communion is a time of thankfulness and rejoicing. In the passage Jesus was facing death. After this supper Jesus and the disciples were to depart to go to the Garden of Gethsemane and then Jesus would be arrested, tried and crucified. After the supper they sang a hymn and then they left the supper rejoicing, not sorrowful. When we partake of this table it is a time of rejoicing for what God has done.
Taking of the bread should remind us of the punishment that should have been ours. We should remember that the punishment that Jesus received should have been for us. We do suffer today but without Jesus imagine how much more our suffering would be. Jesus came to destroy his body so the destruction would stop. He shed his blood so that others blood might not be shed.
Before Christ came man knew how to kill, how to destroy, how to die. Jesus offers us life. If we receive it He will change our outlook, our in-look, and our whole life. Even in all the destruction we face we can give God thanks because he is still on the throne & he still reigns.
Pastor Pete

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