

Thank you for taking the time to stop by our blog. Please also visit our website at leverichmemorial.org. Leverich Memorial Church is a non-denominational Bible believing church that exalts the Lord Jesus Christ. We welcome all who desire good fellowship and seek to grow spiritually; someone like you. I therefore, extend a heartfelt welcome to you and your family. Please come and visit with us. When you come, please allow me to greet you and your family personally.


Rev. Peter Herron, Pastor


Prayer Requests

Do you have a prayer request?
Is something laying heavy on your heart?

Welcome to our virtual prayer box!

Every Wednesday night our prayer warriors come together and lift up our prayer requests to the Lord. If you want to be added to the list fill out the form below.

Want to be anonymous? Put Anonymous in the name field.
We promise not to use your information other then to pray for you unless you ask us to contact you.




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