October 14, 2012
Jesus didn’t come to die for the world but he came to die
for the individuals in the world. He loved the world but died for mankind, for
the world dwellers. It is about saving the people in the world. The world is groaning, waiting for the Lord’s return. It
groans for God’s repair, while we destroy it. Yet and still God seeks to save
V6: In the passage, Jesus is entering Capernaum. The centurion
is waiting for Jesus. He is a high ranking official with status and power in Rome. We
find out that his servant is sick and because of the centurion's status he has
probably gotten doctors to look at him to no avail. His servant was so sick, it was to
the point of them not being able to move.
We must have absolute trust. This is a servant, someone the centurion does not have to
care about. He doesn’t see this person as just a body, he cares about this person's welfare. No one else
can help so the centurion waits for Jesus. He has absolute trust that Jesus can heal his
We need a humble heart. When Jesus arrives, the centurion states his case and Jesus
says I will come and heal him. The centurion says he is not worthy to have Jesus come into
his house. All he asked of Jesus was to speak a word. The centurion lives in a
very nice place but he says that his house is not good enough for Jesus to
come to. The centurion believed that just a word would do.
V10: Jesus is telling us something. A lot of us will sit
down with the law and miss Jesus, miss the Gospel, miss the truth. This is
because you will have a faith that is about the head and not the heart. People
go to church with their head and do not have Jesus in their heart. God gets
tossed out and religion is what we live by.
V11-12: Many people think that they will be going to glory
but Jesus will tell them I don’t know you. Jesus is trying to warn us to
examine ourselves. The centurion had a non-visible acceptance of Jesus. That is what Jesus asks of us, non-visible
acceptance. He didn’t need Jesus to come and do it, he just needed him to
say it. And when Jesus said it the centurion went home knowing it was done.
Faith works when we know and understand its author. God sent
His Son to go and find us and save us. Just like the centurion when himself to
seek Jesus for the healing of his servant. To understand who he is, we must
humble ourselves and know that he is working on our case and give him praise.
He gives us the choice.
Pastor Pete
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