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Rev. Peter Herron, Pastor


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Don’t Worry, We Happy. Trust Jesus!

January 8, 2012 

Matthew 6:24-34

Don’t worry, be happy. Trust Jesus!

How do you get rid of the worry? Just to say, “don’t worry be happy”, what does that mean? As we look at Matthew (this passage is part of the Sermon on the Mount) Jesus says the first place we need to look to is the Father. Everything we have is because of God. If God does not give us the ability to wake up in our own mind we can be strong as an ox but be locked up in an institution. And we can be in our right mind and be aware of what is going on but not be able to tell our bodies to move. We have a lot to thank God for.

We want to please everybody but it is impossible. Jesus says we cannot serve two masters because at some point you have to give one up; you will have to choose (v24). One will demand of you more than you can give. You can juggle it awhile but the weight of it all will press you down. As it happens in the natural so it happens in the spiritual. 

We understand the concept of not serving two masters but when it comes to God we don’t think that way. Unless we have committed our hearts and minds to the Lord the way that God says, we have two masters sitting on the throne of our lives and one of them is us. We want to rule God and tell Him what is good for us. There can only be one person sitting on the throne – you cannot serve God and mammon.

To not live a worried life

 We must place God on the throne of our lives 

If we make the choice for Christ we need not worry about our lives (v25). We put so much effort into food and clothing but isn’t life more than food and our body more than clothing? The spirit side of us has a greater need to be fed but we focus only on that which we can see. We worry about things that are trivial. Food is important and clothing is important but should not be a priority. A priority should be knowing Him, serving Him, trusting Him.

If God provides for the bird their daily bread how much more will He provide for us? Why worry about your height? You can’t change it. We can get the greatest landscaper for our property but it is not more beautiful then God’s creation; kept and landscaped by Him. We don’t consider the things that God has done, has kept, has provided. We don’t have to worry about what we drink, what we eat, what we wear. (v26-31)

Jesus tells the Jews that the Gentiles want what they have (v32); a God that provides for their needs. In the same manner, as believers, we have what the world wants; a Heavenly Father who knows exactly what we need. He knows our wants but they are not the important things. He knows and will take care of it.

Want to be happy? Trust the Lord, seek him. We live in a world of trouble, trials, and tribulation. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Somehow, somewhere in the midst of the struggle He gives me happiness and a peace that the world cannot give. If you come to God complaining and blaming him you are not walking in his righteousness. Ask him instead to fortify us, to be with us. 

When we worry we lose sleep (Psalm 127:2). Jesus says don’t worry about tomorrow (v34). If God is in the right place in your life, worry not about tomorrow but commit it to the Lord. God does it (all things) in our lives. HE'S GOT US. When you persevere in the Lord you can sit back and see what the Lord has enabled you to do. We don’t need to be worried about what tomorrow holds but know who holds tomorrow and that He holds your hand.

Pastor Pete

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