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Rev. Peter Herron, Pastor


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dads! It’s Never Too Late to Get It Right

Fathers Day, June 20, 2010

Genesis 48:3-4, 8-22; 49:33- 50:1

These chapters are the culmination of four generations of men blessed by God who were a part of a dysfunctional family.

God called Abraham and told him he would have a son by his wife Sarah. As time passed, he has a son named Ishmael with his wife’s maid Hagar who God blesses although this is not God’s ideal. But God said he would have a son with his wife Sarah, which he did – Isaac. But conflict between the brothers and their descendants continue to this day. Isaac though not the firstborn was the one chosen by God for blessing because...

God fulfills His word even when we mess up.

Isaac had twins Esau and Jacob with his wife Rebecca. Esau was his father’s favorite and Jacob his mother’s. God let Rebecca know that Jacob was the chosen leader but Isaac planned to bless Esau as the firstborn. Through deception Jacob received the blessing but he had to leave home because his brother wanted to kill him. So he went to Laban his uncle who manipulates him into marrying his two daughters. How Jacob came to have two wives is a fascinating story. Laban deceived him and Jacob found himself married to Leah when he loved Rachel and believed he was marrying her. This set up a rivalry between the two sisters that only ended with Rachel’s death.

Jacob had 12 sons and 1 daughter by four women – Leah, Rachel and their maids Zilpah nd Bilhah. Leah and her maid (Zilpah) had 8 of the 12 boys and Rachel and her maid (Bilhah) had 4. The last two sons born to Jacob were the two Rachel bore him – Joseph and Benjamin. The Bible tells us Jacob loved Joseph the 1st born son of Rachel but his 10 brothers hated him. Jacob showed his love by making Joseph a coat of many colors. He clearly was Jacobs’s favorite child and enjoyed the privilege of that position. He spent time with his dad, tattled on his brothers to his dad, and learned about God from his dad. Joseph ended up in Egypt because his brothers sold him into slavery. But God blessed him throughout his time as a slave, his stint in prison and as the second in command to Pharaoh. Joseph’s faith in God is seen by how he lived his life and the choices he made inspite of adversity.

Joseph had two sons with his wife Asenath – Manasseh and Ephraim. Scripture records that when Jacob was about to die he called his sons. He gave Joseph a special blessing and blessed Joseph’s sons as well – once again the younger over the older. Joseph understood that God directs the blessing and so he did not argue with his father when Jacob blessed Ephraim his younger son by placing his right hand on his head. Joseph got it right. God blesses according to his Word.

Today as fathers there are two things we must do in order to get it right. First: we must develop a heart of obedience to God. Second: We must realize our children are watching us and what we do speaks volumes over what we say.

Pastor Pete

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Free To Be Me, But Who Am I Supposed To Be?

June 12, 2010

John 8:36

He (She) whom the Son sets free is free indeed.

How are we free?

Jesus sets us free from the bondage of sin by: Exposing Sin, Overpowering Sin with God’s Righteousness, Giving us the ability to live righteously.We have the ability through the power of The Holy Spirit, to make right choices.

We are no longer slaves to sin.

Sin destroys. (Ephesians 2:1-5). We sin without thinking. Our first inclination left to ourselves is to do the wrong thing. The things we do often lead to destruction. Self destruction, Relationship destruction, financial destruction, physical destruction, environmental destruction.

We are the sum total of the choices we make.

The way we think defines who we are and shapes what we do.What a person thinks will be demonstrated by how he lives his life. Galatians 5:1 encourages us to stand firm in the freedom we have through Jesus Christ.We are free to be who He has made us to be.

 “I have come that you might have life – life in abundance”
John 10:10

Freedom has boundaries.

You may think that you can live your life anyway that you want. The reality is you live once but you have to give an account of that life to the Creator of life. Hebrews 9:27 says “It is appointed unto men once to die and after this the judgment”

What Freedom do we have?

Freedom to live within the parameters of the house of salvation. We are blessed when we live in the freedom that salvation brings.

The issue is: We don’t like boundaries (parameters). Adam and Eve were free within the Garden of Eden. They were okay with that freedom until a conversation with the Serpent (Satan) after which they thought the parameters they had been given were unfair (restrictive), so they took of the forbidden fruit and lost the freedom they actually had.

Learn to live within the boundaries of God’s Grace. This means I must be determined to stay away from anything that looks like sin. Do the right thing. Righteousness –the right thing -is set forth by God.

Who are you free to be?

The valuable person God created you to be. In Psalm 139:13-17 the psalmist says, “we are fearfully and wonderfully made.”

Our value comes from God who made us. So value (treasure) what God had placed in you – gifts, talents, an d abilities.

Pastor Pete

Monday, June 7, 2010

Hold On to Your Liberty

June 5, 2010
Galatians 5:1

What's Needed to hold on to our Liberty?
  1. Understand Your Freedom
  2. Freedom has a price – Jesus death
  3. Know the liberty you have through Jesus
  4. Accept the liberty you have in Christ
  5. Live in the Liberty you have through obedience to God’s Word (the Bible)
What Freedom do we have?

We are liberated from the captivity of sin. Sin holds you captive. Jesus’ death actually liberates us from the yoke – control of sin, if we place our faith in Him.

Gal. 5:19-21, lists the things we are freed from when we allow the Holy Spirit to guide our lives. He keeps us in line.

We have a choice; we can move towards God or move away from God.

Pastor Pete