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Rev. Peter Herron, Pastor


Sunday, March 13, 2011

I’ve Found the Truth

March 13, 2011

John 4:16

“Jesus said I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me” (John 14:6)

In the musical The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy follows the yellow brick road trying to get home. Along the way she encountered a number of people, tin man, scarecrow, etc. The wizard controlled the various situations she encountered. He was able to do so because he had a booming voice and they never saw him. If they had, they wouldn’t have been afraid because the wizard was really a small, puny person. We, like Dorothy, are trying to find our way home – our eternal home. God could have hidden like the Wizard of Oz, but God sent Jesus.

Jesus said: I am the way. The way home – to my Father. God wants us to see Him, so He sent His Son Jesus. Jesus came to this earth, lived among us and said, if you have seen Me, you have seen the Father (John 14:9)

Jesus said: I am the Truth. To say this, you have to be flawless in your life. He spoke the Word of God with the authority of His Father to us.

Jesus said: I am the Life. I can give you eternal life. In other words, I will show you the way, I will tell you the truth, I will give you eternal life.

In John 17 Jesus prays before He dies in the Garden of Gethsemane. In verse 17 he says “Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.” God’s word is absolutely true. Take God’s word, read it, study it, meditate on it, apply it to your life and it will set you apart – sanctify you. For example if you become a student of one of the ancient philosophers, you spent time listening to them, reading their writing, thinking about what they said and after a while, you begin to sound like, act like the one you are following.

We all believe in god. The question is which god do you believe in? Is it the God of the Bible? The Bible points us to the Word of God. In II Timothy 3:16, what does the Bible say about the Word of God and us? All scripture is God breathed – inspiration and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction and training in righteousness.

Cults indoctrinate those who join them to the point that we often say they are brainwashed. God does not brainwash you and I. He gives us His Word, tells us what it is good for and invites us to read it and study it.

Doctrine (teaching) – the way of God – so we can know the way of the Lord.
Reproof (rebuke) – shows us when I am off track (not walking in the way of the Lord)
Correction – shows us how to get back on track (to get back on the way of the Lord)
Training – So that in my personal life I can walk upright before God.

II Peter 1:20, 21 tells us how the Bible was written. God moved on men by the Holy Spirit. Man did not think up the scriptures. God made sure His word was accurate. God by His Holy Spirit makes sure His Word is accurate. God speaks, men wrote it as guided by the Holy Spirit.

The truth is in God’s Word. God says in His Word; “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” I Timothy 2:5. All roads do not lead to God. Jesus is the only road to God. The Christian way is narrow.

Romans 3: 10 – 18 has God’s description of man. It is not pretty. No one is righteous, no one seeks God, our lips speak lies, no fear of God. We have all sinned and fallen short of God’s standard of right.

God has made a way out of this situation. He has offered us salvation through His Son Jesus Christ. John 3:16, Acts 4:12, Romans 5:8, I Tim 2:5
This is God’s Truth

We all want to go to heaven – but we have to be willing to follow the way that leads to heaven – Jesus Christ, the only Son of the true and living God. God loves the world and has expressed His love by sending His son as a payment for the sins of every individual in the world. But only those who accept Jesus Christ as savior can and will experience God’s love.

Yes, God loves the world – He sent His Son. But those who experience His love must embrace His Son. John 8:32 says “And you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free". It is your obedience to God’s truth that will give you spiritual freedom. Seek the truth, find the truth, settle in it and live.

Have you found the truth?

Pastor Pete

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